Thursday, July 30, 2009

It makes a mother cry when...

your little girl rubs and scratches your back!!!! Yesterday, Annie woke up from her nap and I had the tv on because I was watching my pvr'd Eastenders - I am addicted!!!!! Anyway, it went back to HBO and there was a program on where a lady was sad and her husband was rubbing her back. I said "Daddy gives Mommy and Annie back scratches just like that". Annie was on the couch with me, she stood up behind me and I felt this little hand start to rub my back and then she started to scratch it. I was speechless and in tears. It was such a wonderful moment I had to record it here. Annie gives hugs and kisses but this form of affection is new and I hope that she keeps it up.
In other news, Annie will complete her "Starfish" class tomorrow and next Tuesday she will become a "Duck" at swimming lessons!!!! She is a real little fish.
Oh and this afternoon she was saying "Gampa" because she talked to her Grandpa this morning. Just thought you would like to hear that Dad because she says Nana so well. Still waiting for her to say Joma but that is a little harder.

1 comment:

Catalyst Of Calamity said...

It just about makes me cry too! Annie is such a sweet, gentle, happy, brilliant, affectionate and wonderful girl and I can tell she's bringing you joy immeasurable!