Monday, March 22, 2010

Summer is coming...

It as a little cold out tonight but a beautiful evening so we wrapped Annie up and went to sit outside on the balcony and listen to the birds sing. She had a blast as we have some very large Gary Oaks in our neighborhood. We were also looking for the Sabie's (dogs) who go walking in our green space just below us. Annie loves it on our new to us chairs on the balcony and we have spent every evening after dinner out there. A lovely way to end the day.
When we came in Annie asked me to "write it" while pointing to the computer. This child loves to see photos of herself and so do we!!!!
Oh and here is our new to us little bbq that is portable, with legs that detach so we can take with us when we go camping in our (Price is Right Voice ) NEW RV!!!!!!!!! Well new to us anyway. It is a 1976 version and is still in great shape with less than 100,000 miles. We have all of the paper work and it has been all over Canada, the US and into Mexico. Neato!!! Can't wait to get out there and go camping!!!! Oh and it has the most important thing for Diva Kristine - a bathtub, shower AND LOO!!!!!!! I finally have my Barbie van that I never had as a kid!!!! Doesn't it just rock!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Have fun camping!!!!

Debbie, Chris and Asia (Charlie too)

Catalyst Of Calamity said...

Your RV is awesome! Camping will be so much fun!