Thursday, May 7, 2009


What else do new parents talk about other than the crazy sleeping habits of their children!!! Thanks Maryellen for your suggestion of white noise. A few days ago I put our big air filter that makes lots of great white noise, in the bedroom and that has helped us out. It hasn't changed Annie's sleeping habits but it helps.
So this morning she was up at 5:20, I put her in bed with me, she slept until 5:45 and then wanted to party. At about 6:15 I put her back in her crib and then she went back to sleep!!!! She woke us up at 7am and THEN she even used the potty!!! I am going to try this one again as I feel so much better when she sleeps.
I was at my acupuncturist yesterday and she gave me ear seeds to wear to help my general well being. Maybe that is why I feel better today too, along with my treatment of course!!! She also suggested that I need to take more care of myself. Well, that is a challenge but Annie is now able to play on her own with me responding here and there to what she gives me or shows me.
Oh and the tv thing. I KNOW that children under two shouldn't be watching tv BUT I have to say, that 10 minutes that she will watch Sesame street in the morning, allows me to make my tea and again, be human. It is a survival technique.

1 comment:

Catalyst Of Calamity said...

5:20 a.m. actually exists? Really? I've heard of such a time, but can't remember when I've experienced it myself. I'm going to be in for such a shock when my time comes...7 is a much more civilized time, so I hope you're starting a trend.

Don't feel guilty about the television! It's not like she's zoning out in front of it all day. If a little tv helps you cope then it's a good thing.

So glad to see you blogging again!
