Monday, June 8, 2009


We are working really hard with our attachment to Annie. For anyone who has adopted a child and gone through the attachment process, you know how intense and challenging it can be. Our therapist told me that all parenting is attachment and we just hit the ground running with a boatload of issues to deal with. Every day it gets a little better. There are little successes and I just wanted to post here one that I had recently.
I was sitting on the couch and Annie was bopping around. I said "Mommy needs a hug," and Annie came over, pulled herself up and held out her arms to hug me. I cried after that. It hadn't donned on me that she would come and "give" me the hug. I said the words and was preparing to come over and hug her. Wow, a success and so gratifying for both of us. It is the little successes like this that make the whole process worthwhile. It is really a challenge to be the only ones responding to all of your child's needs 24 hours a day and I get to do it all by myself four days a week as Shawn works very long hours. It helps when your child is sweet, cute and starting to respond in a loving way!!!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

So very sweet. :)